Australian Occupational Immigration List Query

Australian Occupational Immigration List Query

The essential guide to exploring your new life in Australia

The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) is a list of skills and professions that the Australian government has developed to include those skills and professions that are in demand in the country. This list is designed to guide and prioritize immigration applications from foreign skilled workers and professionals who can fill the shortage in the Australian labor market. The Australian Migration Occupation List is updated regularly to reflect the changing needs of the national economy and labor market.

Australia has several different occupation lists that apply to different visa types, such as:

ROL (Regional Occupation List): an occupation list designed to meet the labor market needs of specific remote areas, designed to guide foreign talents to fill the skill gaps in these areas;

STSOL (Short-term Skilled Occupation List): a short-term skilled occupation list that lists occupations that Australia needs to fill short-term skill gaps and is applicable to temporary skilled work visas (TSS visas, also known as 457 visas);

MLTSSL (Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List): an occupation list of the Australian Immigration Department. This list lists skills and occupations that are in long-term demand in Australia and is a required reference standard for applying for certain visas (such as independent skilled immigrant visas).

Each occupation on the list will specify the corresponding assessment agency, and applicants need to pass the occupation assessment by that agency. Each occupation on the occupation list is equipped with a corresponding ANZSCO (Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations) code, which details the duties, skill level and qualification requirements of the occupation. For those who want to migrate to Australia through the skilled migration route, checking the latest Australian Migrant Occupation List is the first step to determine whether their occupation is in demand, so as to decide the appropriate immigration strategy and visa type.


Enter the occupation name and code to search; you can also enter the visa you want to support your occupation, for example, enter "186" to check which occupations can apply for 186 visa

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