Diploma of Nursing
TAFE International Western Australia
- CRICOS Code:
- RTO Code:
- Course type:
- Total tuition fees26,790 AUDAccurate tuition fees
- Fees per academic year17,860 AUDAccurate tuition fees
- Course duration1.5Year (78 weeks)
Turn your passion for caring and helping others into a rewarding career in thehealthcare industry. This course provides you with the current skills and knowledgein order to fulfil the registration requirements ofthe Nursing and Midwifery BoardofAustralia (NMBA) and to practice nursing in a variety ofsettings, including mentalhealth, primary health, acute care, aged care and palliative care areas.You will gain all the requirements aligned to current industry trends and will graduate with the following skills.How to assist in the provision of preventative, curative and rehabilitative nursing,An understanding ofanatomy and physiology;How to understand and implement infection control:How to provide nursing care for the client,An understanding oflegal and ethical parameters,How to promote positive health:An understanding ofthe health issues of Indigenous Australians, andHow to contribute to the nutritional and mental health care of the clientA aree component ofvourstudies wil be acinical placement whereyou can pracice yourskils and atributes, Upon completion ofthis course,you wil have the qualtiesrequired to become a qualified Enrolled NurseAllstudents enroled in the HT5421 Diploma ofNursing course are reistered with the Australan Heath Practitioner Aeengy (AHPRA) forthe duration oftheir course, 0nsuccessfu completion of allcourse requirements,you may be elieible for reeistration with the Nursine and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).In Australia,nursing qualifications are acredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Counci (ANMA). ANMAc is accountable to the Nursing andMidwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) for assurine the Australian communitythat graduates of accredited programs can pracice and care for people in a safe andcompetent manner.[111837J]
Course Campus
- WA
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