弗林德斯大学更新(言语病理学硕士课程 2025 年第一学期的招生申请现已截止,2025 年的OT/PT硕士课程已接近满额)

弗林德斯大学更新(言语病理学硕士课程 2025 年第一学期的招生申请现已截止,2025 年的OT/PT硕士课程已接近满额)


Master of Speech Pathology 语言病理学硕士

applications for the Master of Speech Pathology are now closed for the Semester 1, 2025 intake. Those with an existing application or offer will need to re-apply, with applications for the 2026 intake scheduled to open in early 2025.

言语病理学硕士课程 2025 年第一学期的招生申请现已截止。已有申请表或录取通知书的学生需要重新申请,2026 年招生的申请定于 2025 年初开始。

Master of Physiotherapy and Master of Occupational Therapy 物理治疗硕士和职业治疗硕士

The Master of Physiotherapy and Master of Occupational Therapy courses are nearly full for 2025. We encourage your students to accept their offer as soon as possible if they wish to study with Flinders next year.2025 年的物理治疗硕士和职业治疗硕士课程已接近满额。

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