491 Permanent Residence Score

491 Visa

Skilled Work Regional (Temporary) Visa
This is a temporary visa for skilled workers who wish to live and work in regional Australia.

Data Sources

Basic Qualifications

  • 1You must be nominated by a state or territory government agency, or an eligible relative must sponsor you
  • 2Have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
  • 3Have a skills assessment suitable for the occupation
  • 4Invited to Apply
  • 5Satisfy score test


  • You can live, work and study in designated areas of Australia during the validity period of your visa.
  • Apply for permanent residence 3 years from visa approval date


  • 5 years

Application fee

  • From AUD 4,115

Processing time

  • Latest data update time 2024-07-08
Visa TypeVisa subclasses25% review time50% review time75% review time90% review time
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)State/Territory Government Nominated Regional98435659893
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)Family Sponsored Regional240319489639
Visa TypeSkilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)
Visa subclassesState/Territory Government Nominated Regional
25% review time98
50% review time435
75% review time659
90% review time893
Visa TypeSkilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)
Visa subclassesFamily Sponsored Regional
25% review time240
50% review time319
75% review time489
90% review time639
Applicants should note that points tested skilled migration visa applications that are not in critical sector occupations may take longer than the average processing time. This is because each visa subclass contains applications with different processing priorities. Occupations within the critical sectors are given the highest processing priority.
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