Data Visualisation and Communication
- 全学期本地化内容精讲
- 建立完整知识体系框架
- 考点重难点详细讲解
- 严选师资+科学教研
联系专员Han Sun
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Data visualisation and communication is increasingly important in the field of analytics. The ability to present visual access to the huge amounts of data that business creates is an essential skill for any analyst. The creation of easily digestible visuals and graphics is often the simplest and most powerful tool to enable communication of business insights gained from data. This course introduces statistical and visualisation tools for the exploratory analysis of data. Students will learn what makes effective data visualisation and how to create interactive data visualisations using R, Tableau and other tools, including cutting-edge graphical immersive techniques. There is a strong focus on developing the skill of data storytelling: where students will learn to combine data, its visualisation and a narrative to create a powerful story to drive change.