UNSW Sydney - Social Entrepreneurship Practicum - COMM5030
新南威尔士大学UNSW Sydney

Social Entrepreneurship Practicum



  • 全学期本地化内容精讲
  • 建立完整知识体系框架
  • 考点重难点详细讲解
  • 严选师资+科学教研
  • 优学教育

    Han Sun


    优学教育:开启留学路上的智慧助推者! 我们,优学教育,专注于为留学生量身定制学业辅导。无论您攻读Diploma、Bachelor还是Master,我们都将成为您坚实的支持。 独特之处: 🌟 名师呵护:经验丰富的硕博导师,将重点难点化繁为简,助您突破学业瓶颈。 🌟 3V1在线服务:专属客服、助教与讲师齐心协力,为您答疑解惑,确保您学习无忧。 🌟 涵盖广泛:从会计、金融、经济到工程、计算机,从论文辅导到考前冲刺,我们满足您多样化的学习需求。 🌟 时刻陪伴:7*24小时在线,您的学习伙伴,随时守候。 让优学教育成为您留学路上的智慧引领,与您携手迈向更辉煌的未来!

  • AS Education


    欢迎了解我们的机构! 1. 公司背景 我们是一家成立于2016年的专业课程辅导机构。自创立以来,我们已经积累了千余名专业师资,涵盖了IT、化学、商科、医学、物理学等十几个领域。我们的团队由经验丰富的教育专家组成,他们都是在各自领域中的佼佼者,致力于为学生提供最优质的教学支持。 2. 主营业务 我们提供五大核心课程模式,分别为: 语言类培训辅导:针对不同语言能力的学生,提供从基础到高级的全方位语言培训。 Assignment提升课:帮助学生提高作业质量,确保他们在学术任务中取得优异成绩。 Final知识点讲解课:为期末考试做准备,系统性地回顾和深入讲解重要知识点。 习题解答课:解析各种习题,帮助学生掌握解题技巧和方法。 基础知识讲解课:为学生打下坚实的基础,确保他们在后续学习中能够更好地吸收和应用知识。 此外,我们深知每位学生都有其独特的学习需求和方式,因此我们还提供私人学习方案定制服务,确保每位学生都能得到最适合自己的学习支持,帮助他们更好地完成学业。 选择我们,是选择专业、贴心和高效的学术伙伴。期待与您携手,共创辉煌的学术未来!



Unit 编码



This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply their cumulative learning, and build practical business and leadership capabilities within a social entrepreneurship context. Social entrepreneurs use business thinking to develop operating models aimed at creating positive social outcomes to reach people in need. The course is taught through student engagement with a genuine social entrepreneurship project, supported by both online modules and face-to-face workshops.

Each practicum experience will be different depending on the particular project on which each student will work. Assessment tasks are designed to provide a consulting style framework to both create value for the social entrepreneurship project, and to enable students to demonstrate their ability to apply and synthesise social entrepreneurship concepts. Assessments include project scope setting, a project presentation, a final project report and a personal and professional development report.

The course is the capstone course for the Master of Commerce Global Sustainability and Social Enterprise specialisation. It is also an alternative capstone practicum course for other MCom and MCom (Ext) specialisations. This course may also be taken as a free elective in other Master of Commerce and Master of Commerce (Ext) specialisations and as an elective in the Master of Professional Accounting (Ext) program. Please refer to specialisation Handbook entries.  

The course is offered every term as well as in intensive mode in the Summer session. 

For enquiries please contact CSI Students at: csistudents@unsw.edu.au



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