Business Investment Immigration
Australian Immigration

Australian Immigration

What is business investment immigration?

If you are an entrepreneur with certain assets, you can obtain immigration qualifications through a 188 visa.
Main application conditionsMain application conditions

1. Have certain assets, at least AUD 850,000 2. Have plans to do business or invest in Australia

188 visa is divided into
188A Visa
188B Visa
188C Visa
188D Visa
188 E Visa
There are 5 categories, A~E, and the details, asset limits, and other qualifications of each item will vary depending on its regulations.
188 A Application conditions
1. The main applicant must be under 55 years old 2. The net assets of the main applicant and spouse must be no less than AUD 850,000 3. The annual turnover of the applicant’s company must be no less than AUD 500,000 in 2 of the past 4 fiscal years 4. The applicant’s shareholding must be no less than 30% in 2 of the past 4 fiscal years 5. The main applicant must score no less than 65 points in the EOI (Elective of Interest) system. Victoria must score no less than 80 points
188 B Application conditions
1. The main applicant must be no older than 55 years old. (Age requirement may be waived if special economic benefits can be brought to Australia) 2. The main applicant must score no less than 65 points in the Business Selection System (EOI). (Victoria: Individuals score 65 points. In addition to investing $1.5 million, they must invest $500,000 in Victorian real estate or invest in Victorian private companies, and another $200,000 to settle down) 3. The main applicant has more than 3 years of experience in managing a business or investing 4. In the past 5 years, one year held 10% of the shares in the business or managed an investment of $1.5 million (couples can share) 5. The family net assets exceeded $2.25 million in the past two years
188 C Application conditions
1. Age requirement: No age limit for the main applicant 2. Net assets: The net assets of a couple/individual/family must not be less than AUD 5 million (approximately RMB 25 million) 3. Investment requirements: Invest at least AUD 5 million in investment areas that meet the regulations and explain the source of funds 4. At least AUD 500,000 in Australian venture capital or private equity products 5. At least AUD 1.5 million in compliant small business funds or small businesses listed on the Australian Stock Exchange 6. A maximum of AUD 3 million "balanced investment" in managed funds or other compliant assets, including ASX-listed companies, compliant corporate bonds or promissory notes, annuities and real estate (residential real estate has a 10% limit) listed investment companies 7. Language requirements: No English requirements
188 D Application conditions
1. Aged 18 or above 2. Nominated by the CEO of the Australian Trade Commission 3. Obtained a visa application invitation letter. The Australian government currently does not accept applications for this visa from people who do not have an invitation letter 4. Net assets of at least AUD 15 million 5. IELTS average score of 4.5. PTE, TOEFL, CAE scores are accepted. 6. Good health and no criminal record
188 E Application conditions
1. Under 55 years old (can be exempted by the state government) 2. English must reach IELTS 6 or equivalent 3. Provide a relevant business plan and have a genuine intention to continue operating the project 4. Conduct a compliant business in Australia, and the business plan must prove that the product or service can be commercialized 5. Obtain support from the state government and its designated innovation agency
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