



将于 2025 年第1学期开学的法学硕士直入课程 (DEC) CET 套餐配额已满,招生团队现已撤回相关的录取通知和申请,并已通知代理和他们的客户。

如果您有获得无条件录取的客户,他们可以加入我们的研究生学术技能 (GAS) 课程

无条件录取计入全学位配额,不受 CET DEC 套餐配额限制。




  • 学生地址(包括街道/公寓号码)街道、州和国家
  • 在申请开始时提供这些详细信息,将加快我们招生团队发出 CET 录取通知书的进程。

请注意,红色标注的课程 2025 年第 1 学期已满(以下S1 2025开课的课程打包的语言班满员的意思)

University of Sydney quota list for CET package offers

Postgraduate Degrees

  • Doctor of Physiotherapy
  • Master of Business Law
  • Master of Computer Science
  • Master of Computer Science (Advanced)
  • Master of Commerce
  • Master of Commerce (Extension)
  • Master of Diagnostic Radiography
  • Master of Digital Communication and Culture
  • Master of Economics
  • Master of Laws
  • Master of International Law
  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Audio and Acoustics)
  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Illumination)
  • Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art
  • Master of Media Practice
  • Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Master of Occupational Therapy
  • Master of Speech Language Pathology
  • Graduate Certificate in Computer Science
  • Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication and Culture
  • Graduate Certificate in Economics
  • Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design and Electronic Arts
  • Graduate Certificate in Media Practice
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Computer Science
  • Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication and Culture
  • Graduate Diploma in Economics
  • Graduate Diploma in International Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Interaction Desing and Electronics Arts
  • Graduate Diploma of Law
  • Graduate Diploma in Media Practice

Undergraduate Degrees

  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)
  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture
  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture
  • Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in Architecture
  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) and Master of Pharmacy Practice
  • Bachelor of Psychology Honours
  • Bachelor of Oral Health
  • Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

三、不能打包的课程列表 University degree cannot be packaged with DEC

  • Bachelor of Arts and Master of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Arts (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)
  • Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Economics (Dual Degree, Sciences Po, France)
  • Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)
  • Bachelor of Nursing Post Registration (Singapore)
  • Bachelor of Science and Master of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science (Health) and Master of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Medicine
  • Bachelor of Science and Doctor Dental Medicine
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
  • Master of Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Nursing

四、悉尼大学可以配语言的课程 University degree streams that can be packaged with DEC

Master of Science in Medicine: 只有以下2个专业的国际学生可以打包 CET:

  1. Clinical Epidemiology 临床流行病学 - Note:该方向仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生
  2. Sexual and Productive Health  性健康与生殖健康
  3. Master of Medicine: 只有以下两种方向可供国际学生打包CET :
  4. Clinical Epidemiology 临床流行病学 - Note: 该方向仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生
  5. Sexual and Productive Health  性健康与生殖健康
  6. 注意:截至2024年7月,以上配额信息是准确的,可能会在没有通知的情况下发生更改/更新。我们将尽力尽快传达任何变更。
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