新南威尔士学院 - 10周在线语言班直升班解读

新南威尔士学院 - 10周在线语言班直升班解读

Study Online UEEC

在线大学英语入学课程(OUEEC)专为那些希望在悉尼新南威尔士大学攻读本科或研究生学位,但不符合新南威尔士大学英语入学要求的国际学生而设计。该课程为期 10 周。如果您顺利通过 OUEEC 考试,则无需参加任何其他英语测试。 Online UEEC10 没有COE,学生要等到读完,且满足升入UNSW主课要求后才能获得主课COE
大学英语入学课程(UEEC)10 现在也提供在线课程!在线 UEEC 招生将于 2024 年 10 月 14 日开始,学生可在 2025 年第一学期顺利升入新南威尔士大学攻读学位。有第九学期 UEEC10 申请表或录取通知书的学生可通过 StudyLink 申请在线 UEEC 的录取通知书。

Why study Online UEEC? 为什么学习 在线UEEC?

Seamless transition to UNSW. 顺利过渡到新南威尔士大学

Online UEEC helps students to meet the English entry requirement of their UNSW degree and equips students with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in university.在线 UEEC 帮助学生达到新南威尔士大学学位的英语入学要求,并使学生具备在大学取得成功所需的技能和信心。

Study from the comfort of home 在家舒适地学习

Offered over 10 weeks, Online UEEC offers the comfort of online study combined with the same high-quality teaching you expect from an on-campus experience. Studying from home eliminates the need for a visa right away and saves students money on additional living costs in Australia while studying English. 在线 UEEC 课程为期 10 周,提供舒适的在线学习环境,以及与校内课程相同的高质量教学。在家学习无需立即申请签证,并可节省学生在澳大利亚学习英语期间的额外生活费用。

A connected experience 联体验

Distance won’t stop your students from accessing a world-class university education. They will study with people in their time zone and build their own networks.距离不会阻碍学生接受世界一流的大学教育。他们将与自己所在时区的人一起学习,并建立自己的网络。

UEEC 10 Term 9 Closure.

  • We are no longer accepting new applications for UEEC 10 Term 9 2024.我们不再接受 2024 年第 9 学期欧洲经济委员会第十届会议的新申请
  • The acceptance deadline has been revised: Students with UNSW Degree offers packaged with UEEC10 Term 9 must accept their offer before 19 July 2024. 录取截止日期已修订: 持有新南威尔士大学学位录取通知书的学生必须在 2024 年 7 月 19 日前接受 UEEC10 第 9 学期的录取通知书。

Note: Students who hold UEEC10 Term 9 offers packaged with Diploma or Pre-Masters are not impacted by these revisions, provided they accept their offer before the regular deadlines. 持有 UEEC10 第 9 学期文凭或硕士预科录取通知书的学生不受这些修订的影响,只要他们在正常截止日期前接受录取通知书即可。持有 UEEC10 第 9 学期文凭或硕士预科录取通知书的学生不受这些修订的影响,只要他们在正常截止日期前接受录取通知书即可。

注意:持有 UEEC10 第 9 学期文凭或硕士预科录取通知书的学生不受这些修订的影响,只要他们在正常截止日期前接受录取通知书即可。


If students are unable to accept before the deadline, they may request one of the following options and still be able to progress to their UNSW Term 1 2025 degree.

  • Request to defer their English offer to the Term 10 intake, commencing 18 November 2024.
  • Request a new offer for Online UEEC, commencing 14 October.


如果学生无法在截止日期前接受录取,可申请以下选项之一,但仍可继续攻读新南威尔士大学 2025 年第 1 学期的学位。

申请将其英语录取通知推迟至 2024 年 11 月 18 日开始的第 10 学期。

申请从 10 月 14 日开始的在线大学预科课程(Online UEEC)的新录取。

Please request the deferral or the change of program via StudyLink.

Please be aware that Online UEEC is designed exclusively for online study. Students enrolled in Online UEEC will be required to complete their studies entirely online and will not have the option to transfer to an on-campus format at any point during the program.请注意,Online UEEC 专为在线学习而设计。参加在线欧洲独联体大学课程的学生必须完全在网上完成学业,在课程期间的任何时候都不能选择转到校内学习。 请注意,Online UEEC 专为在线学习而设计。参加在线10周语言班程的学生必须完全在网上完成学业,在课程期间的任何时候都不能选择转到校内学习。

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