一年制创业研究生文凭GD,性价比课程12,720 澳币/年,没有考试,便宜续学生签

一年制创业研究生文凭GD,性价比课程12,720 澳币/年,没有考试,便宜续学生签

We are pleased to share details of a new course open to onshore international students for the Semester 2 intake period: Graduate Diploma of Entrepreneurship (GD- ENT).

Swinburne 斯威本科技大学 很高兴与大家分享第二学期面向在岸国际学生招生的新课程详情: 创业研究生文凭(GD- ENT)。

This course is a Department of Education led pilot initiative in which Swinburne has been selected as one of 11 institutions nationwide to participate. We are able to offer an attractive tuition fee of $12,720 for this one-year course, delivered on Hawthorn campus. 斯威本被选为全国 11 所参与试点的院校之一。该课程为期一年,在霍桑校区授课,学费为 12,720 澳元。

课程信息 Course information for GD – ENT:

  • 2024 年学费:12,720 澳币
  • 学期安排  Intake: Semester 2, 2024
  • 开学时间Commencement Date: 29 July 2024
  • 授课时间:1年
  • 校区:霍桑
  • 每学期 3 个单元 50 个学分(2 x 12.5cp + 1 x 25cp),2 个学期共 6 个单元
  • 没有考试

Suitable applicants including:


  • Enhancing business driven ideas. 加强业务驱动的想法。
  • Be an owner of your profession. 成为自己职业的主人
  • Pursuing a new start of venture. 追求新的创业项目。

Entry Requirements



  • 澳大利亚任何学科的学士或硕士学位或同等学历
  • 雅思 6.5 分,单项 6.0 或以上,或在过去 5 年内在英语国家完成的大学本科课程或同等学历。
  • 一份 200-400 字的目的陈述 (SOP) 或 1-2 分钟的视频,如果申请人有创业想法,则说明其创业想法;如果没有,则说明选择该课程的原因以及该课程对其未来愿望的益处。

GD-ENT Webinar 讨论会邀请

We are also pleased to invite you to an GD-ENT Webinar on Wednesday 10 July at 2pm, where we will provide a detailed briefing on the new course.

Please register your name today on https://swinburne.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7rDfIic0T9eVn8xrVIvPmg

Swinburne has scheduled number of training sessions on various topics in July, please refer to below session timetable and register your interested area.

Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia

CRICOS 00111D | RTO 3059 | TEQSA PRV12148 Australian University | Copyright and disclaimer | swinburne.edu.au

I respectfully acknowledge the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation, who are the Traditional Owners of the land on which Swinburne’s Australian campuses are located in Melbourne’s east and outer-east, and pay my respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. Read Swinburne’s full Acknowledgement of Country.

Tệp đính kèm

Tệp đính kèmSwinburne GD-ENT Postcard_202407.pdf
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