新南威尔士大学重要通知 (关于2025 年新南撤销与录取!!)Important Update for UNSW Sydney Unaccepted Offers
UNSW Sydney
- 此时此刻今天(2024年11月1日 1 点,UNSW 发的时候已经过时间无意义)持有无条件录取的学生,不在日本vs西班牙水位分析 时间 1 点之前接受录取,今天无条件录取就会被撤销!!!
- * 部分学生不会被影响,看下面原文
- 从11月起(之前说的 11 月 4 日开始),UNSW悉尼将引入录取轮次,对仍有2025年名额的课程发放录取通知。
- 今天被撤销的无条件录取通知的申请人将有机会转入的录取等待名单,需在2024年11月8日(星期五)澳大利亚东部夏令时间下午5点之前表明加入录取等待名单的意愿。收不到意愿邮件的,需要自己填表(在下面)!
- 有条件录取通知持有者(包括那些需要满足英语或学术要求的申请人)只有在达到所有要求后才会被考虑重新发放录取通知!!!
- 还没有任何录取的学生,等UNSW悉尼将引入录取轮次发录取!有位置就发有位置就发!!!
请查看以下是来自 UNSW 的更新。
- 在2024年11月1日(星期五)澳大利亚东部夏令时间下午1点之前已接受UNSW悉尼录取通知的学生
- AGSM项目、UNSW Online项目及3805医学学士/医学博士项目的申请人
- UNSW学院的学生
- 被视为免受入学限制影响的国际学生(某些类别的海外学生拟定会免受入学限制,例如研究生研究类学生、澳大利亚政府或外国政府奖学金资助的学生以及来自特定太平洋岛国和东帝汶的学生)
- 正在UNSW悉尼攻读另一个学位的现有UNSW悉尼学生
Information provided by the Australian Government indicates that UNSW Sydney is now close to reaching its indicative New Overseas Student Commencements (NOSC) limit as part of the proposed enrolment limits being introduced through the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024.
As a result of the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the government’s implementation of this proposed legislation, UNSW Sydney has made the difficult decision to withdraw all remaining 2025 unaccepted offers for applicants that will be classified as NOSC by the Australian Government. Please note that any offers which have not been accepted by 1pm AEDT on Friday, 1 November 2024, are withdrawn with effect from that time and are no longer able to be accepted.
Please note that this withdrawal does not impact the following prospective international students:
Applicants with offers that have been withdrawn will be given the opportunity to move to our Offer Waitlist and will be contacted shortly with details of how to join.
If you have applicants who have had their offer withdrawn and they are interested in joining the Offer Waitlist, but have not received the email communication by UNSW Sydney by Monday, 4 November inviting them to join the waitlist, you may provide their details via