UNSW Sydney - Collaboration and Innovation in Business - COMM1120
新南威尔士大学UNSW Sydney

Collaboration and Innovation in Business



  • 全学期本地化内容精讲
  • 建立完整知识体系框架
  • 考点重难点详细讲解
  • 严选师资+科学教研
  • 优学教育

    Han Sun


    优学教育:开启留学路上的智慧助推者! 我们,优学教育,专注于为留学生量身定制学业辅导。无论您攻读Diploma、Bachelor还是Master,我们都将成为您坚实的支持。 独特之处: 🌟 名师呵护:经验丰富的硕博导师,将重点难点化繁为简,助您突破学业瓶颈。 🌟 3V1在线服务:专属客服、助教与讲师齐心协力,为您答疑解惑,确保您学习无忧。 🌟 涵盖广泛:从会计、金融、经济到工程、计算机,从论文辅导到考前冲刺,我们满足您多样化的学习需求。 🌟 时刻陪伴:7*24小时在线,您的学习伙伴,随时守候。 让优学教育成为您留学路上的智慧引领,与您携手迈向更辉煌的未来!



Unit 编码



“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create.”(Albert Einstein). This course will introduce students to creative thinking tools, design thinking and lean canvas methodology to generate, develop and evaluate innovate ideas and concepts for complex societal or business challenges.

Across every business function, creativity is central to solving complex problems, exploring new strategies and working effectively within an organisation. We implement creativity through a divergent exploration of the drivers and motivations of diverse stakeholders, before applying a convergent project management process to implement an effective solution.

The course takes a hands-on project-based approach, focusing on the big picture challenges facing businesses in the 21st century. We explore how business can react to black swan events, working through these complex practical challenges in diverse student teams. This gives students ample opportunity to develop their creative mindset, identify and test different ideas, and learn how to present their content in an engaging and persuasive way to influence others.

Link to other courses: Students are recommended to complete COMM1120 early, ideally in the first term of their Bachelor of Commerce degree (or equivalent in a double degree). The concepts and skills learned in here are highly relevant to gain a deeper understanding of COMM1180 Value Creation and will also complement learning in COMM1110 Evidence-based Problem Solving.

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